;BASLOAD.ASM 07/09/84 - DKeels;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;This program provides BASIC programs with access to the program loader (LOAD) ;by passing parameters via the system parameter area (SYSPARM).;;Inputs:; FILE SPEC 1 - A string (len <= 80) with the complete name, including; path, of the file to be loaded and executed.; Example: 'MAINMENU.EXE' or 'C:\FORMAT.COM'; PARAMETER 1 - A string (len <= 80) with the command line parameters; to be passed to the program specified in FILE SPEC 1.; Example: '' or 'A:'; FILE SPEC 2 - Same as 1.; PARAMETER 2 - Same as 1.;;Outputs:; This program gives control to LOAD.;----------------------------------------------------------------------------CODE SEGMENT 'CODE' ASSUME CS:CODE PUBLIC BASLOAD ;make known to BASIC at link timeBASLOAD PROC FAR ;prologue PUSH BP ;save BP MOV BP,SP ;set base for parm list PUSH DS ;DS -> basic work area PUSH ES ;ES -> basic work area MOV DX,'dk' ;interrupt verification switch INT 77H ;get seg address of sysparm area in AX MOV ES,AX ;ES -> sysparm area CLD ;set direction for all moves ;move file spec 1 to sysparm MOV BX,SS:[BP+12] ;get addr of string descriptor MOV CX,DS:[BX] ;get length of string into CX MOV SI,DS:[BX+2] ;get addr of string into SI MOV DI,0 ;offset into sysparm REP MOVSB ;move string MOV BYTE PTR ES:[DI],0 ;make it asciiz string ;move parameter 1 to sysparm MOV BX,SS:[BP+10] ;get addr of string descriptor MOV CX,DS:[BX] ;get length of string into CX MOV SI,DS:[BX+2] ;get addr of string into SI MOV DI,81 ;offset into sysparm INC CL ;adjust for cr to be added at end MOV BYTE PTR ES:[DI],CL ;1st byte is length of string DEC CL ;re-adjust for move operation INC DI REP MOVSB ;move string MOV BYTE PTR ES:[DI],13 ;add cr to end ;move file spec 2 to sysparm MOV BX,SS:[BP+8] ;get addr of string descriptor MOV CX,DS:[BX] ;get length of string into CX MOV SI,DS:[BX+2] ;get addr of string into SI MOV DI,163 ;offset into sysparm REP MOVSB ;move string MOV BYTE PTR ES:[DI],0 ;make it asciiz string ;move parameter 2 to sysparm MOV BX,SS:[BP+6] ;get addr of string descriptor MOV CX,DS:[BX] ;get length of string into CX MOV SI,DS:[BX+2] ;get addr of string into SI MOV DI,244 ;offset into sysparm INC CL ;adjust for cr to be added at end MOV BYTE PTR ES:[DI],CL ;1st byte is length of string DEC CL ;re-adjust for move operation INC DI REP MOVSB ;move string MOV BYTE PTR ES:[DI],13 ;add cr to end ;exit to BASIC POP ES POP DS POP BP RET 8BASLOAD ENDPCODE ENDS END BASLOAD