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更多 发布于:2011-12-08 17:02

随着越来越多的安卓系统恶意软件的出现,我们需要随时防范它们入侵自己的手机或者平板电脑。 智能手机本质上也是电脑—所有的电脑都很容易感染安卓病毒,发生网络欺诈以及其他的攻击等等。


1. 一定要研究软件开发商和软件的网络评论
这家开发商还提供哪些其他软件?他有没有网站可供查询相关信息?所提供的其他软件不是不有点“见不得人”?如果是这样,不要下载他的软件。阅读网上的相关评论来保护自己的手机,但请记住安卓市场的评论是不可信的。查查其他网站的评论,像是PCWorld respectable或者AppBrain AppLib等,确认它不是病毒之后,再下载。

2. 随时注意软件进入手机的权限

3. 避免直接安卓软件包,使用APK file安装
当首次下载某种软件时,比如说《愤怒的小鸟》,我们可以从第三方软件商店下载(所谓的“间接下载”),然后用APK文件安装。 虽然说《愤怒的小鸟》不是恶意软件,一般情况下,还是不推荐从第三方网站或者软件商店里下载APK文件,因为很多时候,在安装之后,你才知道软件中到底包含了些什么—等知道了,也晚了。

4. 在手机上安装一个病毒扫描软件来检测安卓病毒

请一定相信,智能手机易于被来自外部网站和个人电脑的恶意软件攻击。某些恶意网站引诱网民输入个人信息,然后自动下载恶意软件到网民的手机上。由于手机屏幕很小,网民很有可能就点击了那个恶意软件链接。 与个人电脑接触过的手机,一定要检查是否感染了病毒。 现下有一种全新的安全观点认为:一般收费的软件中都有安全浏览保护功能,可以保护你的手机不受安卓病毒感染。


2011-12-7 17:20 上传下载附件 (87 KB)


Tips For Securing Your Android Smartphone From Android Virus Attacks

As more and more malware is being created every day for the Android platform or Android smartphone, you should pay attention to what happens on the phone, or tablet. Smartphones are basically computers – and all computers are vulnerable to android virus, phishing, malware and other attacks.
Here are five quick tips to help you keep your  Android phone free compressed or android virus free.

Always research published by the App for defend your android from android virus attack:
What other applications does it offer? And ‘the publisher has a website? Do one of the other applications seem a little ‘shady? If so, you should probably stay away. Read online reviews for protect your Android phone, but remember that the reviews of the Android Market are not always truthful. Check around to see what sites like PCWorld respectable, or AppBrain AppLib already said, the App before clicking the Download button for make sure that is not android virus.

Always check the App rights:
When you download or update your application on your Android phone, you will see a list of permissions to it. The alarm clock application, for example, probably do not need to look through your contacts. The rule of thumb: if an application is to ask more than what he has to do their job, you should jump and that is android virus.

Avoid direct installation package files Android (APKs):
When Angry Birds and the first time to your Android phone, we can get it only by passing through a third party App Store and “sideloading” that, to install the application using the APK file. Angry Although birds are not harmful, in general, is highly recommended that you do not want to download and install the APK files to third party websites or the App Store. Most of the time you do not know what the file contains until you install the file – and then it’s too late.

Put a malware and a virus scanner on your phone for android virus detect:
Several big-name security companies already offer mobile security options, many of them free. Applications such as Mirador Mobile Security antivirus for Android phone and make sure the malware or android virus is not installed. In addition, most utilities include functions to track the phone – and maybe not even remotely lock and delete your personal data – if you lose your Android phone.

Safety Tips:
Believe it or not, the smartphone is prone to phishing attacks, malicious sites and downloads, as well as your PC. Malicious sites often try to push people to enter personal information about themselves, even more disturbing, however, is the ability of some sites  to automatically download malware to your phone. Due to the small screen of a phone users are three times more likely to click on the link a suspect on a phone when you are using a new PC, however, new Mobile Security Viewpoint:  the Safe Browsing feature is currently available in the Premium version of your application to safe your android from android virus. If you follow these steps and keep a watchful eye on your unit, you should be able to enjoy your Android phone free malware and ensure that you’re android not attacked by android virus.

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发布于:2013-01-29 17:01
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