先简单说一下MP3的ID3 标记,因为主要是操作这个玩意 MP3最开始的时候没有我们今天看到的那样,有歌手、年代,专集等等信息 只有一些简单的参数如yes/no来表示是不是privated或者copyrighted等信息,这样对MP3的相关工作带来了很多不便,1996年的时候有个老外提出来在每个MP3后面追加一段数据,用以存放上述的那些信息,后来就发展成为id3 v1 据我所知的现在已经到1.1了,具体的还是自己去查一下吧 还是老习惯,用metadata来引入DLL,我以前有文章贴过的,不知道的请自己去查 看代码 <!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" NAME="ADODB Type Library" --> <% Function ConvertBin(Binary) 'This function converts a binary byte into an ASCII byte. for i = 1 to LenB(Binary) strChar = chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,i,1))) ConvertBin = ConvertBin ; strChar Next End Function dim objStream dim strTag, strSongName, strArtist, strAlbum, strYear, _ strComment, strGenre, strFile 'Specify the folder to iterate through, displaying all the MP3s Const folder = "C:\mp3s\" 'Grab the folder information Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFile Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSYstemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(folder) 'Create the Stream object set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Type = adTypeBinary 'Loop through the files in the folder For Each objFile in objFolder.Files 'Open the stream objStream.Open objStream.LoadFromFile objFile.Path 'Read the last 128 bytes objStream.Position =objStream.size - 128 'Read the ID3 v1 tag info strTag = ConvertBin(objStream.Read(3)) if ucase(strTag) = "TAG" then strSongName = ConvertBin(objStream.Read(30)) strArtist = ConvertBin(objStream.Read(30)) strAlbum = ConvertBin(objStream.Read(30)) strYear = ConvertBin(objStream.Read(4)) strComment = ConvertBin(objStream.Read(30)) end if 'Display the results response.write "<table><tr><td colspan=2><h3>" ; _ "ID3 Tag info for:</td></tr><tr>" ; _ "<td colspan=2>" ; objFile.Name ; "</td></tr>" response.write "<tr><td><b>Artist: </b></td>" ; _ "<td>" ; strArtist ; "</td></tr>" response.write "<tr><td><b>Track: </b></td>" ; _ "<td>" ; strSongName; "</td></tr>" response.write "<tr><td><b>Album: </b></td>" ; _ <td>" ; strAlbum ; "</td></tr>" response.write "<tr><td><b>Year: </b></td>" ; _ "<td>" ; strYear ; "</td></tr>" response.write "<tr><td><b>Comment: </b>" ; _ "</td><td>" ; strComment ; "</td></tr>" response.write "</table>" objStream.Close Response.Write "<p><hr><p>" Next Set objStream = Nothing'Clean up... %> 自己试试吧
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