偶然的机会到gBurner的官方网站看到这款免费的虚拟机,就下载来试着用了几天,功能什么的都没的说,唯一的一点对于我这样英语不懂的人就显得麻烦了好在界面词语不是太多勉强用了几天,所以希望高人们看看能否给汉化下,谢谢 gBurner Virtual Drive is a free utility designed for creating and managingvirtual CD / DVD drives. For anyone who deals with CD/DVD-based programs - it isa MUST. gBurner Virtual Drive allows you to use almost all CD/DVD image withoutburning them onto CD or DVD in order to easily access your favorite games,music, or software programs ---- It works like a real CD/DVD-ROM: You can runprograms, play games, or listen to music from your virtual CD/DVD-ROM