安全攻击定义和手法 踩点扫描(一) Ping、traceroute等系统自带命令 端口扫描 Nmap OS指纹鉴别 漏洞扫描(X-scan、SSS、商业扫描器) 构造特殊的攻击和扫描,如firewalking 无法入侵的情况下 两类D.o.S拒绝服务攻击 利用操作系统本身的缺陷,使服务挂起 海量数据包攻击 [root@ayazero tfn]# ./tfn usage: tfn <options> [-P protocol] Protocol for server communication. Can be ICMP, UDP or TCP. Uses a random protocol as default [-D n] Send out n bogus requests for each real one to decoy targets [-S host/ip] Specify your source IP. Randomly spoofed by default, you need to use your real IP if you are behind spoof-filtering routers [-f hostlist] Filename containing a list of hosts with TFN servers to contact