smarty完整的中文文档Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
Smarty - PHP 模板编译引擎
Table of Contents [内容列表]
Preface [序]
I. Getting Started [开始]
1. What is Smarty? [什么是Smaty?]
2. Installation [安装]
Requirements [安装]
Basic Installation [基本安装]
Extended Setup [扩展设置]
II. Smarty For Template Designers [模板设计者篇]
3. Basic Syntax [基本语法]
Comments [注释]
Functions [函数]
Attributes [属性]
Embedding Vars in Double Quotes [双引号里值的嵌入]
Math [数学运算]
4. Variables [变量]
Variables assigned from PHP [从PHP分配的变量]
Variables loaded from config files [从配置文件读取的变量]
{$smarty} reserved variable [{$smarty}保留变量]
5. Variable Modifiers [变量调节器]
capitalize [首字符大写]
count_characters [字符计数]
cat [连接字符串]
count_paragraphs [计算段数]
count_sentences [计算句数]
count_words [计算词数]
date_format [格式化日期]
default [默认值]
escape [编码]
indent [缩进]
lower [小写]
nl2br [换行符替换成 <br />]
regex_replace [正则替换]
replace [替换]
spacify [插空]
string_format [字符串格式化]
strip [去除(多余空格)]
strip_tags [去除html标签]
truncate [截取]
upper [大写]
wordwrap [行宽约束]
6. Combining Modifiers [组合修改器]
7. Built-in Functions [内建函数]