  • 注册日期2011-07-27
  • 发帖数41778
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更多 发布于:2013-06-02 15:17
'1: 建立数据库的连接 ConnOpen(DataBaseConnectStr,DBType,Conn_object)
 '2: 断开数据库的连接 ConnClose(Conn_object)
 '3: 防止SQL注入 SafeRequest(paraName,paraType)
 '4: 格式化日期 DateFormat(dateStr,dateType)
 '5: 显示错误提示 ShowErr(errStr)
 '6: 查询字符串中特定数据 SelectStr(contentStr,patternStr,patternNum)
 '7: 过滤指定字符 Leach(contentStr,badWords)
 '8: 远程文件内容抓取 Seize(urlStr)
 '9: 数据流编码处理 BytesToBstr(body,cset)
 '10: 编码cookies codeCookie(contentStr)
 '11: 解码cookies DecodeCookie(contentStr)
 '12: 检验数据提交来源是否合法 ChkPost()
 '13: 个性化加密 MyEncrypt(StrPassword)
 '14: 禁止浏览器缓存本页 NoBuffer()
 '15: 网页格式化输入文本 HTMLEncode(fString)
 '16: 从头部截取字符串的指定长度(按字符数算) GotTopic(Str,StrLen)
 '17: 检测验证码 CheckRadomPass(RadomPass)
 '18: 生成验证码 GetCode()
 '19: 获取客户端操作系统版本 GetSystem()
 '20: 数据库事务处理 ConnManage(Conn_object)
 '21: 快速排序(递归) QuickSort(arr,Low,High)
 '22: 将数组的元素以特定字符串连起来 arr_join(arr,character)
 '23: 返回字符串以某分割符分割的数目 count_character(str,character)
 '24: 截取含有分割符的字符串中指定数目的字符串 inter_str_by_character_num(str,character,start,num)
 '25: 利用Stream下载文件 downloadFile(strFile)
 '26: 返回信息 send_back(ResultWords)
 '27: 获取错误信息 get_err()
 '28: 与SafeRequest相反 SafeResponse(content)
 '29: 保存远程图片 SaveRemoteFile(LocalFileName,RemoteFileUrl)
 '30: ...
dim language_arr(10)
 language_arr(0) = "数据库连接的参数设置错误!"
language_arr(1) = "数据库连接的类型参数设置错误!"
language_arr(2) = "数据库连接失败!"
language_arr(3) = "非法的参数值!"
language_arr(4) = "参数值不是有效的日期格式!"
language_arr(5) = "操作失败!"
language_arr(6) = "栏目有重名!"
language_arr(7) = "栏目名称为空!"
language_arr(8) = "栏目文件夹创建失败!"
language_arr(9) = "您没有此权限!"
' connectStr:数据库连接字符串
' connectType:数据库类别-数字型,0为Access,1为MS SQL
sub ConnOpen(DataBaseConnectStr,DBType,Conn_object)
 Set Conn_object = Server.Createobject("adodb.connection")
 if DataBaseConnectStr = "" then call ShowErr(language_arr(0))
 if DBType = 0 then
 Conn_object.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & DataBaseConnectStr
 elseif DBType = 1 then
 Conn_object.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & DataBaseConnectStr
 call ShowErr(language_arr(1))
 end if
 end sub
Sub ConnClose(Conn_object)
 set Conn_object = nothing
 End sub
' paraName:参数名称-字符型
' paraType:参数类型-数字型(1表示以上参数是数字,0表示以上参数为字符)
' 过滤后的字符串
Function SafeRequest(paraName,paraType)
 dim paraValue
 paraValue = Request(paraName)
 select case paraType
 case 0
 paraValue = replace(paraValue,"'","[system:34]")
 paraValue = replace(paraValue,"=","[system:61]")
 case 1
 if not IsNumeric(paraValue) then call ShowErr(language_arr(3))
 case -1
 if not IsNumeric(paraValue) then call ShowErr(language_arr(3))
 if paraValue = "" then paraValue = 0
 case else
 if len(paraValue) > paraType then call ShowErr(language_arr(3))
 paraValue = replace(paraValue,"'","[system:34]")
 paraValue = replace(paraValue,"=","[system:61]")
 end select
 SafeRequest = paraValue
 End function
' dateStr:日期字符串
' paraType:日期类型-数字型
' 格式化后的日期
Function DateFormat(dateStr,dateType)
 Dim dateString
 if IsDate(dateStr) = False then
 call ShowErr(language_arr(4))
 end if
 Select Case dateType
 Case "1"
 dateString = Year(dateStr)&"-"&Month(dateStr)&"-"&Day(dateStr)
 Case "2"
 dateString = Year(dateStr)&"."&Month(dateStr)&"."&Day(dateStr)
 Case "3"
 dateString = Year(dateStr)&"/"&Month(dateStr)&"/"&Day(dateStr)
 Case "4"
 dateString = Month(dateStr)&"/"&Day(dateStr)&"/"&Year(dateStr)
 Case "5"
 dateString = Day(dateStr)&"/"&Month(dateStr)&"/"&Year(dateStr)
 Case "6"
 dateString = Month(dateStr)&"-"&Day(dateStr)&"-"&Year(dateStr)
 Case "7"
 dateString = Month(dateStr)&"."&Day(dateStr)&"."&Year(dateStr)
 Case "8"
 dateString = Month(dateStr)&"-"&Day(dateStr)
 Case "9"
 dateString = Month(dateStr)&"/"&Day(dateStr)
 Case "10"
 dateString = Month(dateStr)&"."&Day(dateStr)
 Case "11"
 dateString = Month(dateStr)&language_arr(6)&Day(dateStr)&language_arr(7)
 Case "12"
 dateString = Day(dateStr)&language_arr(7)&Hour(dateStr)&language_arr(8)
 case "13"
 dateString = Day(dateStr)&language_arr(7)&Hour(dateStr)&language_arr(8)
 Case "14"
 dateString = Hour(dateStr)&language_arr(8)&Minute(dateStr)&language_arr(9)
 Case "15"
 dateString = Hour(dateStr)&":"&Minute(dateStr)
 Case "16"
 dateString = Year(dateStr)&language_arr(5)&Month(dateStr)&language_arr(6)&Day(dateStr)&language_arr(7)
 Case Else
 dateString = dateStr
 End Select
 DateFormat = dateString
 End Function
' errStr:错误提示-字符型
sub ShowErr(errStr)
 End sub
' contentStr:查询字符串
' patternStr:匹配式字符串
' patternNum:查询定位-数字型
' 找不到返回false
 ' patternNum为-1返回所有匹配字符串并以[10]隔开
' 否则返回指定位置的字符串
Function SelectStr(contentStr,patternStr,patternNum)
 dim objRegExp,matches,matche
 if contentStr = "" then
 call ShowErr(language_arr(12))
 end if
 Set objRegExp=new RegExp '建立正则表达式
objRegExp.pattern = patternStr '设置模式
objRegExp.IgnoreCase =False '设置是否区分字符大小写
objRegExp.Global=true '设置全局可用性
objRegExp.pattern = patternStr '匹配式
if objRegExp.test(contentStr) = false then '全局匹配
SelectStr = false
 Set matches = objRegExp.Execute(contentStr) '执行搜索
if patternNum = -1 then
 for each matche in matches
 SelectStr = SelectStr &"[10]"& matche.value
 SelectStr = matches.Item(patternNum).value
 end if
 end if
Set objRegExp=Nothing
 End Function
' contentStr:源字符串
' badWords:要过滤的字符串,若数目大于1则用英文状态的"^"隔开
' 返回过滤后的字符串
Function Leach(contentStr,badWords)
 dim badWordsArr,i
 badWordsArr = Split(badWords,"^")
 for i = 0 to UBound(badWordsArr)
 contentStr = replace(contentStr,badWordsArr(i),"")
 leach = contentStr
 end Function
' urlStr:远程文件地址
' 返回远程文件内容
'function Seize(urlStr)
 dim connect
 if urlStr = "" then
 call ShowErr(language_arr(13))
 Set connect = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") '建立XMLHTTP对象
connect.open "GET",urlStr,false '设置参数,通信方式为get,请求为同步,后面还有两个可选属性:userID,password用于用户验证
connect.send() '数据发送,Send方法的参数类型可以是字符串、DOM树或任意数据流
Seize = BytesToBStr(connect.responseBody,"GB2312") '返回信息,编码为中文
set connect = nothing
 end if
 end function
' body:数据内容
' cset:编码格式
' 编码处理后的信息
Function BytesToBstr(body,cset)
 dim objstream
 set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
 objstream.Type = 1 '以二进制模式打开
objstream.Mode =3
 objstream.Write body
 objstream.Position = 0
 objstream.Type = 2
 objstream.Charset = cset
 BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText
 set objstream = nothing
 End Function
' contentStr:数据内容
' 编码处理后的信息,字符以"a"隔开
Function codeCookie(contentStr)
 Dim i,returnStr
 For i = Len(contentStr) to 1 Step -1
 returnStr = returnStr & Ascw(Mid(contentStr,i,1))
 If (i <> 1) Then returnStr = returnStr & "a"
 CodeCookie = returnStr
 End Function
' contentStr:数据内容
' 解码处理后的信息
'Function DecodeCookie(contentStr)
 Dim i
 Dim StrArr,StrRtn
 StrArr = Split(contentStr,"a")
 For i = 0 to UBound(StrArr)
 If isNumeric(StrArr(i)) = True Then
 StrRtn = Chrw(StrArr(i)) & StrRtn
 StrRtn = contentStr
 Exit Function
 End If
 DecodeCookie = StrRtn
 End Function
' Boolean
 'Function ChkPost()
 Dim server_v1,server_v2
 If Mid(server_v1,8,len(server_v2))=server_v2 Then Chkpost=True
 End Function
' StrPassword:需加密的数据
' 加密后的数据
'Function MyEncrypt(StrPassword)
 Dim StrLen,StrLeft,StrRight,n
 n = 8
 StrPassword = MD5(StrPassword)
 StrLen = len(StrPassword)
 StrLeft = left(StrPassword,n)
 StrRight = right(StrPassword,StrLen-n)
 MyEncrypt = StrRight&StrLeft
 End function

Sub NoBuffer()
 Response.expires = 0
 Response.expiresabsolute = Now() - 1
 Response.addHeader "pragma","no-cache"
 Response.addHeader "cache-control","private"
 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
 end sub
' fString:源字符串
function HTMLEncode(fString)
 if not isnull(fString) then
 fString = replace(fString, ">", ">")
 fString = replace(fString, "<", "<")
 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(32)&CHR(32), " ")
 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(9), " ")
 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(34), """)
 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(39), "'")
 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(13), "")
 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "</p><p>")
 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10), "
 HTMLEncode = fString
 end if
 end function
' Str:源字符串
' StrLen:长度
'Function GotTopic(Str,StrLen)
 Dim l,t,c, i,LableStr,regEx,Match,Matches,focus,last_str
 if IsNull(Str) then
 GotTopic = ""
 Exit Function
 end if
 if Str = "" then
 Exit Function
 end if
 Set regEx = New RegExp
 regEx.Pattern = "[[^[]]*]"
 regEx.IgnoreCase = True
 regEx.Global = True
 Set Matches = regEx.Execute(Str)
 For Each Match in Matches
 LableStr = LableStr & Match.Value
 Str = regEx.Replace(Str,"")
 Str=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Str," "," "),""",Chr(34)),">",">"),"<","<")
 for i=1 to l
 if c>255 then
 end if
 if t = strLen-2 then
 focus = i
 last_str = ".."
 end if
 if t = strLen-1 then
 focus = i
 last_str = "."
 end if
 if t>=strlen then
 exit for
 end if
 GotTopic = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(GotTopic," "," "),Chr(34),"""),">",">"),"<","<") & LableStr
 end function
' RadomPass:输入的验证码
Sub CheckRadomPass(RadomPass)
 if radompass = "" then
 call ShowErr(language_arr(14))
 elseif Session("GetCode") = "9999" then
 elseif Session("GetCode") = "" then
 call ShowErr(language_arr(15))
 elseif cstr(Session("GetCode"))<>radompass then
 call ShowErr(language_arr(16))
 end if
 End sub
Function GetCode()
 Dim TestObj
 On Error Resume Next
 Set TestObj = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
 Set TestObj = Nothing
 If Err Then
 Dim TempNum
 Randomize timer
 TempNum = cint(8999*Rnd+1000)
 Session("GetCode") = TempNum
 GetCode = Session("GetCode")
 GetCode = "<img src="""&Site_Url&"inc/GetCode.asp"">"
 End If
 End Function
Function GetSystem()
 dim System
 System = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
 if Instr(System,"Windows NT 5.2") then
 System = "Win2003"
 elseif Instr(System,"Windows NT 5.0") then
 elseif Instr(System,"Windows NT 5.1") then
 System = "WinXP"
 elseif Instr(System,"Windows NT") then
 System = "WinNT"
 elseif Instr(System,"Windows 9") then
 System = "Win9x"
 elseif Instr(System,"unix") or instr(System,"linux") or instr(System,"SunOS") or instr(System,"BSD") then
 System = "Unix"
 elseif Instr(System,"Mac") then
 System = "Mac"
 System = "Other"
 end if
 GetSystem = System
 End Function
'返回值:true or false
 function ConnManage(Conn_object)
 if Conn_object.Errors.count<>0 then
 ConnManage = false
 ConnManage = true
 end if
 end function
' arr:需排序的数组
' Low:数组最小下标
' High:数组最大下标
Sub QuickSort(arr,Low,High)
 Dim i,j,x,y,k
 While (arr(i)-x<0 and i<High)
 While (x-arr(j)<0 and="" j="">Low)
 If i<=j Then

 End if
 Loop while i<=j
 If Low<j Then call QuickSort(arr,Low,j)
 If i<High Then call QuickSort(arr,i,High)
 End sub
' arr:需串连的数组
' character:串连字符
' 串连后的字符串
function arr_join(arr,character)
 dim i
 for i = 0 to ubound(arr)
 if i = 0 then
 arr_join = arr(i)
 arr_join = arr_join & character & arr(i)
 end if
 end function
' errStr:错误提示-字符型
function count_character(str,character)
 dim i
 i = 0
 Do Until InStr(str,character) = 0
 str = Mid(str, InStr(str,character) + 1)
 i = i + 1
 count_character = i
 End function
' errStr:错误提示-字符型
function inter_str_by_character_num(str,character,start,num)
 dim i,str_temp,start_location,inter_length,str_length
 i = 0
 inter_length = 0
 str_length = len(str)
 str = right(left(str,str_length-1),str_length-2)
 str_length = str_length - 2
 str_temp = str
 Do Until InStr(str_temp,character) = 0
 i = i + 1
 str_temp = Mid(str_temp,InStr(str_temp,character) + 1)
 if i = start - 1 then start_location = str_length - len(str_temp)
 if i = start + num - 1 then
 inter_length = str_length - len(str_temp) - start_location
 exit do
 end if
 if inter_length = 0 then
 inter_str_by_character_num = mid(str,start_location+1)
 inter_str_by_character_num = mid(str,start_location+1,inter_length-1)
 end if
 End function
' errStr:错误提示-字符型
function downloadFile(strFile)
 dim strFilename,s,fso,f,intFilelength
 Response.Buffer = True
 Set s = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
 s.Type = 1
 on error resume next
 Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if not fso.FileExists(strFile) then
 end if
 Set f = fso.GetFile(strFile)
 intFilelength = f.size
 if err then
 end if
 Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition","attachment;filename=" & f.name
 Response.AddHeader "Content-Length",intFilelength
 Response.CharSet = "UTF-8"
 Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
 Response.BinaryWrite s.Read
 set f = nothing
 set fso = nothing
 Set s = Nothing
 end function
sub send_back(ResultWords)
 dim objResult
 Set objResult = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
 objResult.loadXML ("<返回结果></返回结果>")
objResult.selectSingleNode("返回结果").text = ResultWords
 Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
 objResult.save (Response)
 Set objResult = Nothing
 end sub
function get_err()
 if Err.Number > 0 then
 get_err = Err.Description
 get_err = "T"
 end if
 end function
' paraName:参数名称-字符型
' paraType:参数类型-数字型(1表示以上参数是数字,0表示以上参数为字符)
' 过滤后的字符串
function SafeResponse(content)
 dim paraValue
 paraValue = content
 paraValue = replace(paraValue,"[system:34]","'")
 paraValue = replace(paraValue,"[system:61]","=")
 SafeResponse = paraValue
 end function
' LocalFileName:本地文件名
' RemoteFileUrl:远程文件URL
sub SaveRemoteFile(LocalFileName,RemoteFileUrl)
 dim Ads,Retrieval,GetRemoteData
 Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
 With Retrieval
 .Open "Get", RemoteFileUrl, False, "", ""
 GetRemoteData = .ResponseBody
 End With
 Set Retrieval = Nothing
 Set Ads = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
 With Ads
 .Type = 1
 .Write GetRemoteData
 .SaveToFile LocalFileName,2
 End With
 Set Ads=nothing
 end sub

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